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Annual meeting of the DARIAH-CH WG on Editions 2025

Writer: Cristina GrisotCristina Grisot

Updated: 2 days ago

We are happy to announce the Annual meeting of the DARIAH-CH WG on Editions 2025, which will address the theme Editions from the users’ perspective

Time and location: 26 June 2025, University of Bern

Keynote speaker: Dr. Joris van Zundert (Huygens Institute)

Call for papers

Editions are fundamental resources in many areas of the humanities and beyond. But how do users engage with digital editions? Are digital editions being read or used? Are users mainly interested in the data or do they need guidance through the interface?

User experience (UX) design is commonplace in web development and is increasingly used in the creation of scholarly editions. But how do we balance the needs of users with the intentions of editors? Is there a trade-off between the need for standardisation and stability of data and presentation on the one hand, and the exploratory and innovative potential of digital editions on the other?

The conveners of the Working Group invite presentations of two types:

  • 20 min presentation reporting on the users’ experience of interacting with an edition*

  • 20 min presentation on the topic of editions from the user's point of view or on a related topic

*The presenter(s) would ideally be a user who may or may not be close to the editorial team of the edition (e.g. a colleague from the same department or unit). This should be explicitly stated in the presentation.


To register, please send an abstract (300-400 words) to and by 5 May. Abstracts are accepted in English, Italian, German and French.

The programme will be available at the end of May and will be published here.


Keynote speaker

Dr. Joris J. van Zundert is a senior researcher and developer in humanities computing in the department of literary studies and the Digital Humanities Lab at the Huygens Institute. His research focuses on computational algorithms to analyze literary and historical texts, and on aspects of humanities information and data modeling. His computational analytic work focuses on the correlation between text immanent features of texts and sociological processes around the concept of literature. He is also involved in developing computational approaches to stemmatology, narratology, and scholarly editions. His PhD research in the field of Science and Technology Studies focused on methodological effects of the interaction between software engineers and humanities scholars.


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