DARIAH ERIC announces the opening of the Friday Frontiers Autumn 2023 series of talks.
1️⃣ Friday 6th October, 10.30 BST / 11.30 CEST / 12.30 EEST
Speaker: Stella Wisdom, Digital Curator, British Library, UK
Title: Curating the Digital Storytelling exhibition at the British Library
Description: Join curator Stella Wisdom for a talk about the British Library’s current Digital Storytelling exhibition. From thought provoking autobiographical hypertexts to data journalism, uncanny ghost stories to weather poetry, steampunk literary adaptation to Elizabethan medical comedy. Stella will discuss a range of born digital works, including interactive narratives that respond to user input, reading experiences personalised by data feeds, and immersive multimedia story worlds developed through audience participation. Read more.
Registration Link: https://dariah.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkdeysqzovH9XpsqtlDUZuBbcNj6zXIIdE
2️⃣Friday 10th November, 10.30 (GMT) / 11.30 (CET) / 12.30 (EET)
Speaker: Maria Goicoechea De Jorge, Associate Professor, University of Madrid, Spain
Title: New Readers for Old Texts: Sharing the Workflow of a Digitally Enriched Children Literature Edition
Description: This talk will present the preliminary research conducted on digitised formats of popular children's literature found in specialised libraries, focussing on the models provided by two institutions: the British Library's "Turning the Pages" software and the National Library of Spain's "Madgazine," used in the interactive editions of Don Quixote and Leonardo da Vinci’s Madrid Codex. The discussion will revolve around the specific workflow we tested for creating a digitally enhanced edition of a collection of stories entitled "Plage of Dragons," published in 1923 and based on the Spanish adaptations of Edith Nesbit’s tales. Read more.
Registration Link: https://dariah.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckc-yopzwrHdC_5DDNQU--w7j72Fo4hZFa
3️⃣Friday 1st December, 10.30 GMT / 11.30 CET / 12.30 EET
Speaker: Nasrine Olson, Associate Professor, University of Borås, Sweden
Title: Bridging Sensory Gaps: Innovations for Inclusivity
Description: This talk confronts the reality that most spaces, technologies, and innovations are predominantly designed for individuals with all senses and functionalities intact. How would you as a person with deafblindness navigate the world – a world filled with navigation and mobility challenges, inaccessible information, and technologies that rely on the senses of sight and hearing? In this talk, Nasrine Olson (PhD, Associate Professor) will introduce the idea behind the formation of the Centre for Inclusive Studies at University of Borås and will present a few projects that have explored ways in which technology can be leveraged to level the playing field. Read more.
Registration Link: https://dariah.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpde-urTkvE9TT68rF0Kf_Vxsqa8YapLhl