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Helsinki DH Hackathon - open for applications

Writer: Cristina GrisotCristina Grisot

The Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon is a chance to experience an interdisciplinary research project from start to finish within the span of 10 days.

  • For researchers and students from the humanities and social sciences, it offers an opportunity to pose new questions to historical, cultural or social phenomena with data at scale.

  • For people from computer science and data science, the hackathon gives the opportunity to test their abstract knowledge against complex real-life problems.

  • For both, the hackathon gives the experience of intensely working with people from different backgrounds as part of an interdisciplinary team, as, during the hackathon, each group develops a digital humanities research project from start to finish.

This year, the hackathon groups are organised around the following four themes:

  • Parliaments beyond borders: Exploring the Role of Foreign Nations in National Policy Debates

  • Digital Presence in Physical Absence: Survivors' Testimonies and Holocaust Oral History

  • Rare Earth & Web Discourses: Parallel Mining Approaches

  • Economic bubbles, consumerism, and the colonies: Early modern newspapers as indicators of economic change in 18th century society

Ap­plic­a­tion sched­ule for #DH­H25

13.3.–12.4.2025 Application period

16.4.2025 Applicants informed of acceptance

16.–23.4.2025 Registration to #DHH25 for accepted participants

29.4. & 6.5.2025 Two #DHH25 pre-hackathon online preparatory sessions

14.–23.5.2025 #DHH25 hackathon in Helsinki

Please note that organisers can only accept participants who are able to commit to the full week of intensive work as well as the preparatory sessions. 

5 ECTS credits may be gained from participating in the hackathon for students at the University of Helsinki and other universities. For the application you will need to supply a motivation for applying and if you are applying for travel funding a cost-estimation is also required.


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