Jupyter notebooks to access e-rara
This Python Jupyer notebook aims to help you with accessing metadata and fulltexts of e-rara, the platform for digitized rare books from Swiss institutions. It uses the OAI-PMH interface of the e-rara service for retrieving metadata in different formats, and the e-rara website in addition for downloading fulltexts.
Person of contact: Kathi Woitas (UNIBE)
Jupyter notebooks to access e-periodica
This Python Jupyer notebook aims to help you with accessing metadata and fulltexts of e-periodica, the platform for digitized and digital journals from Switzerland. It uses the OAI-PMH interface of the e-periodica service for retrieving metadata in different formats, and the e-periodica website in addition for downloading fulltexts.
Person of contact: Kathi Woitas (UNIBE)
Jupyter notebooks to access e-manuscripta
This Python Jupyer notebook aims to help you with accessing metadata and fulltexts of e-manuscripta, the platform for manuscript material from Swiss libraries and archives. It uses the OAI-PMH interface of the e-manuscripta service for retrieving metadata in different formats, and the e-manuscripta website in addition for downloading fulltexts.
Person of contact: Kathi Woitas (UNIBE)
Parser TEI-Neo4j Import
The parser TEI-Neo4j Import is a tool for a TEI import into Neo4J including a parser with validation of the data. It is written in Python 3, takes TEI-XML Documents as an input and writes them in a Neo4j Graph Database.
Person of contact: Elena Chestnova (USI)
The Zurich Dependency Parser for German ParZu is a free software available at
Person of contact: Rico Sennrich (UZH)
Pygmalion’s code
Pygmalion’s code is a tool to visualise the diachronic description of meaning. Mainly meant as a tool to represent the diachronic evolution of meaning as attested by philological evidence, Pygmalion is very flexible and can be easily adapted to other approaches, e.g. lexicographic or typological. Moreover, Pygmalion can work with any language and script, so opening the possibility to compare the evolution of meaning in different languages. Find Pygmalion's code on GitHub.
Person of contact: Francesca Dell’Oro (UNINE)